Casa App Fumetti Swahili Comic Yesu
Swahili Comic Yesu

Swahili Comic Yesu

Descrizione dell'applicazione

This graphic novel, "Jesus the Messiah" by Willem de Vink, recounts the life of Jesus Christ through 34 compelling stories drawn from the four Gospels. The narrative vividly portrays Jesus's astonishing life, his miraculous works, and the profound impact he had on those around him. From his baptism and temptations to his crucifixion and resurrection, the graphic novel presents a powerful and engaging account of his ministry.

The app version provides access to these 34 stories, allowing readers to select individual narratives or follow the chronological sequence. A detailed list of included stories, each referencing its biblical source (e.g., Matthew 3:1-17), is provided. This comprehensive collection covers key events such as the Sermon on the Mount, the calming of the storm, the raising of Lazarus, the Last Supper, and the crucifixion. The app also includes supplementary materials enhancing understanding, including information on Israel, Jesus's life, key terms, and additional resources to further explore this pivotal figure in history. The app is adapted from a widely translated book, having reached over 140 languages in the past 25 years.

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