Sorotan aplikasi:
- Complete Redesign: A significantly improved mobile browsing experience.
- Full Content Access: Enjoy unrestricted access to all content, including breaking news, reports, analyses, and opinion pieces.
- Homepage (Portada): A streamlined homepage showcasing the day's most impactful news stories.
- Opinion Section (Opinión): A dedicated section for insightful commentary and analysis from expert columnists.
- Real-Time Updates (Al minuto): Stay informed with instant updates and critical alerts.
- My elDiario (MiDiario): Personalize your feed by following preferred journalists and topics, and save articles for later.
The redesigned app delivers a smooth, intuitive news reading experience for mobile users. Its organized sections (Portada and Opinión), real-time updates (Al minuto), and personalized features (MiDiario) ensure users remain informed and engaged. Saving articles for later enhances the reading experience. Download the app to join the community and access exclusive content. Its user-friendly design and rich features make it a must-have for readers seeking independent journalism.