Embark on a whimsical journey into the surreal world of Cat Museum, a captivating 2D side-scrolling puzzle-adventure game. Featuring a unique art style and bizarre setting, you'll solve intriguing puzzles alongside your playful feline companion. Uncover the secrets of a mysterious museum and confront a chilling truth from the protagonist's past.
The prologue offers a free taste of the game. To continue the adventure and discover what lies ahead, purchase the full version.
Key Features:
- A surreal 2D side-scrolling puzzle-adventure experience.
- Stunning visuals reimagining classic artwork, immersing you in a world of fine art.
- Unravel the mystery of the protagonist's childhood through hidden clues.
- Enjoy the playful antics of your mischievous cat companion.
- Explore a bizarre and captivating world filled with fantastical adventures.
The Story:
A lone museum, guarded by a mysterious cat, becomes the unexpected workplace of a young boy. Tasked with restoring the museum, he must solve puzzles and uncover hidden clues, all while managing his mischievous feline friend. As he delves deeper into the museum's secrets, a terrifying truth from his past emerges.
He recalls the heart-wrenching screams beneath a blood-red sky. Days and nights blurred into an indistinguishable haze, amidst rubble and debris, a faint breath was heard from beneath an old wardrobe. What monstrous creature lurks within, born from that surreal childhood memory?