アプリ ビジネスオフィス Mobile Security Camera (FTP)
Mobile Security Camera (FTP)

Mobile Security Camera (FTP)


Transform your smartphone into a powerful cloud security camera or baby monitor with Mobile Security Camera (FTP)! This innovative app eliminates the need for separate hardware, offering free limited features and cloud storage, with affordable subscription plans for enhanced recording. Unlike basic IP cameras, CameraFTP supports video, image, and time-lapse recording, with options for motion-activated or continuous monitoring. Enjoy live viewing, two-way audio and video communication from anywhere, and secure cloud storage of your footage. Access your camera seamlessly through a web browser or the dedicated CameraFTP Viewer App. Starting at just $1.50 per camera per month, CameraFTP provides exceptional value and functionality, including DVR data backup, time-lapse recording, and live streaming, powered by DriveHQ.com's trusted technology since 2003.

Key Features:

  • Versatile Cloud Security Solution: Easily turn your mobile device into a reliable security camera or baby monitor, eliminating the cost of separate equipment.
  • Comprehensive Recording Options: Capture video, images, and time-lapses, choosing between motion-triggered or continuous recording modes.
  • Real-time Monitoring and Communication: Benefit from live viewing and two-way audio/video communication for immediate interaction and monitoring.
  • Secure Cloud Storage: Rest assured knowing your recordings are safely stored in the cloud, protected from unauthorized access or deletion.
  • Flexible Access: Access your camera feed conveniently via web browser or the user-friendly CameraFTP Viewer App.
  • Affordable Premium Features: Enjoy a comprehensive suite of features at a competitive price, starting at $1.50 per camera monthly, including cloud storage, data backup, time-lapse recording, and live streaming.

In short: Mobile Security Camera (FTP) offers a robust and cost-effective solution for home or business security needs, transforming your mobile device into a versatile and powerful monitoring system. Download the app today and secure your peace of mind.

  • Mobile Security Camera (FTP) スクリーンショット 0
  • Mobile Security Camera (FTP) スクリーンショット 1
  • Mobile Security Camera (FTP) スクリーンショット 2
  • Mobile Security Camera (FTP) スクリーンショット 3
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