RGG Studio recently unveiled a cryptic teaser for their next game at Anime Expo. The studio promises a "surprising" new entry in the Like a Dragon franchise, leaving fans speculating wildly about its nature. Details are scarce, but the anticipation is palpable.
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The "Essence of Fandom: Like a Dragon & Yakuza Experience" panel at Anime Expo featured Like a Dragon Chief Producer Hiroyuki Sakamoto and voice actor Kazuhiro Nakaya. While specifics remained under wraps, @TheYakuzaGuy on Twitter reported the developers' statement: "We can’t tell you what kind of game it is, but I will tell you, you’ll be surprised." They confirmed it's a new addition to the Like a Dragon series.
Given the series' shift to JRPG format with Like a Dragon 7, the term "surprising" opens up a vast range of possibilities. Speculation includes everything from a rhythm game based on the karaoke mini-game, a spin-off featuring supporting characters, or even a remake or sequel to past spin-offs like Yakuza: Dead Souls or the Japan-exclusive Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan. The mystery only heightens the excitement.