Gears 5 players are receiving an in-game message teasing the upcoming Gears of War: E-Day. The message, titled "Emergence Begins," serves as a reminder of the prequel's premise: a return to the origins of the Locust Horde invasion, focusing on Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago.
Almost five years after Gears 5's release, this prequel offers a darker, more horror-focused narrative. The in-game announcement highlights the game's development using Unreal Engine 5, promising exceptional visual fidelity.
While Gears of War: E-Day's initial reveal lacked a release date, speculation points towards a potential 2025 launch. The appearance of this in-game message, however, is unusual for a game still so far from release in AAA titles. This early promotion could suggest a 2025 release is indeed being targeted.
A 2025 launch would place Gears of War: E-Day alongside other major Xbox titles already slated for that year, including Doom: The Dark Ages, Fable, and South of Midnight. This crowded release window presents a scheduling challenge for Microsoft.
Despite the uncertainty surrounding the release date, the Gears community is enthusiastic about revisiting the series' horror origins with the iconic duo of Marcus and Dom. The in-game message effectively reignites anticipation for this highly anticipated prequel.