Nintendo has significantly tightened its Content Guidelines, implementing stricter rules for content creators. Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties, including permanent bans from sharing Nintendo-related content online.
Nintendo's New Guidelines: A Crackdown on Inappropriate Content
Nintendo's updated "Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms," effective September 2nd, demand stricter adherence to rules governing the sharing of Nintendo-related content. This expanded enforcement allows Nintendo to not only issue DMCA takedowns but also proactively remove violating content and restrict creators from future Nintendo content sharing. Previously, Nintendo primarily addressed only "unlawful, infringing, or inappropriate" content. This change means creators risk complete bans from showcasing Nintendo games.
While the definition of "unlawful, infringing, or inappropriate" remains broad, Nintendo's FAQ clarifies prohibited content, notably adding these examples:
- Content depicting actions that negatively impact multiplayer gameplay, such as intentional disruption.
- Content featuring graphic, explicit, harmful, or offensive material, including offensive statements or actions.
These stricter guidelines follow reported takedown incidents, possibly prompted by a recent Splatoon 3 controversy.
Nintendo Takes Down Suggestive Splatoon 3 Video
Nintendo removed a Splatoon 3 video by Liora Channel, which featured interviews with female players discussing dating experiences within the game, including encounters with prominent players. Liora Channel, stating the video was deemed unacceptable by Nintendo, publicly committed to avoiding sexually suggestive Nintendo-related content in the future.
This stricter approach is understandable given the increased risk of predatory behavior online, particularly in games with younger audiences. Promoting sexual encounters in games aimed at children can have serious consequences. As reported by Bloomberg, Roblox has seen numerous arrests related to grooming and abuse stemming from in-game interactions.
Given content creators' influence, Nintendo's move to disassociate its games from harmful activities is crucial for protecting young players.