Blyts concludes their acclaimed "Nobodies" trilogy with the release of "Nobodies: Silent Blood." Following the successful launches of "Nobodies: Murder Cleaner" (2016) and "Nobodies: After Death" (2021), this latest installment continues the saga of Asset 1080, the master cleaner tasked with eliminating traces of government assassinations.
Unraveling the Mystery in "Nobodies: Silent Blood"
Set in 2010, players once again step into the shoes of Asset 1080, navigating a world fueled by cryptocurrency-driven criminal enterprises. This puzzle adventure challenges players to follow the money, uncovering a shadowy network one meticulously planned disposal at a time. Each target presents a unique puzzle, demanding keen observation, information gathering, and strategic alliance-building. However, even the most skilled cleaner can stumble, offering a thrilling challenge with multiple paths to success (and spectacular failure!).
The game features 14 all-new missions, each boasting unique disposal methods and multiple approaches to covering the crime scene. Adding to the immersive experience is the game's hand-drawn art style, showcasing over 100 intricately designed scenes. Furthermore, players can collect hidden items across the entire trilogy, adding replayability and rewarding exploration. A gameplay trailer is available below.
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Have You Experienced the "Nobodies" Series?
The original "Nobodies: Murder Cleaner" introduced players to the unique world of cleaning up after assassinations, establishing a popular point-and-click puzzle adventure known for its engaging storyline and captivating artwork.
Download "Nobodies: Silent Blood" now on the Google Play Store and continue the thrilling adventure! For more gaming news, check out our other articles.