Home News Pokemon GO: Dhelmise Event Guide – Dates, Raids & More

Pokemon GO: Dhelmise Event Guide – Dates, Raids & More

Author : Eric Mar 13,2025

Get ready for the *Pokémon GO* debut of Dhelmise in the exciting Beloved Buddies event! This event brings not only Dhelmise but also boosted wild spawns and awesome bonuses. However, there's a twist: you can only catch Dhelmise one way. Read on for all the details, including dates and times.

Table of Contents

How to Get Dhelmise in Pokémon GO

Dhelmise from Pokemon GO, which can only be caught from 3-Star Raids during Beloved Buddies
Image via Niantic/The Pokemon Company

Your only chance to catch Dhelmise is by battling it in 3-Star Raids during the Beloved Buddies event. Defeat Dhelmise in a raid, and you'll get the chance to catch it afterward.

Dhelmise’s Weaknesses & Resistances

Dhelmise is a Grass- and Ghost-type Pokémon, making it weak to Fire, Dark, Ice, Ghost, and Flying-type moves (160% super effective damage). Conversely, it resists Grass, Water, Electric, and Ground-type moves (63% resistance), along with Fighting and Normal-type moves (39% resistance).

Can Dhelmise Be Shiny?

Unfortunately, no. Shiny Dhelmise isn't available during this event. Expect its Shiny variant to debut in a future event, possibly a Community Day.

Beloved Buddies Dates & Times

The Beloved Buddies event runs from Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 10:00 AM to Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 8:00 PM local time. Don't miss out!

Increased Wild Spawns During Beloved Buddies

During the event, keep an eye out for increased spawns of these friendship-themed Pokémon: Cutiefly, Diglett, Dunsparce, Fomantis, Illumise, Mantine, Minun, Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Plusle, Remoraid, Shellder, Slowpoke, and Volbeat. Many of these have a chance to be Shiny, with increased odds for Shiny Dunsparce and Diglett.

Beloved Buddies Bonuses In Pokémon GO

Enjoy these bonuses throughout the event:

  • Double Catch XP
  • 60-minute Lure Modules
  • Event-themed Pokémon attracted to Lure Modules (Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis)
  • 500 Stardust for each caught Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis

Raid Bosses During Beloved Buddies

Enamorus, Dhelmise, and Mega Tyranitar from Pokemon GO, who appear in Beloved Buddies as Raid bosses
Image via Niantic/The Pokemon Company

Here's a breakdown of the Raid Bosses:

Raid LevelRaid BossCan It Be Shiny?
Five-StarEnamorus (Incarnate Forme)No
MegaMega TyranitarYes

Remember, Shiny raid boss encounter rates are higher than wild encounters.

Field Research Tasks

Limited-time Field Research tasks will be available, offering rewards like Stardust and Tandemaus encounters. Details will be updated as they become available.

Collection Challenges

A Collection Challenge will task you with catching many of the event Pokémon. Details will be updated closer to the event's start.

PokéStop Showcases

PokéStop Showcases will let you show off event Pokémon for potential rewards. Details to follow.

Now you're equipped to conquer the Beloved Buddies event! Good luck catching Dhelmise and enjoying all the other event goodies. Don't forget to check out our Shadow Regirock raid guide for tips on weekend raids!

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