Explore the world of Ukrainian broadcasting with the suspilne.tv app. Access national channels Public Broadcasting UA: FIRST and UA: CULTURE with ease, enjoying diverse programming. UA: FIRST, covering most of Ukraine, offers news, politics, education, and entertainment for all ages. UA: CULTURE showcases Ukrainian culture through documentaries, concerts, and artistic programs. Stay connected to the latest broadcasts and immerse yourself in Ukrainian media with the suspilne.tv app.
Features of suspilne.tv:
- Extensive Reach: Access national broadcasts of Public Broadcasting UA: FIRST and UA: CULTURE, reaching over 97% of Ukraine.
- Diverse Programming: Enjoy a wide range of programs, including news, socio-political discussions, social initiatives, educational content, youth programs, and children's shows.
- Live Streaming: Watch UA: PERШИЙ and UA: КУЛЬТУРА live, ensuring you never miss a favorite show.
- Eurovision Song Contest: Watch the Eurovision Song Contest, broadcast on UA: FIRST.
- Cultural Exploration: UA: КУЛЬТУРА offers cultural news, documentaries, classical music concerts, theatrical performances, and programs highlighting cultural and social activities.
- Easy Information Access: Learn more about UA: FIRST and UA: КУЛЬТУРА projects and initiatives.
Don't miss the Eurovision Song Contest! Immerse yourself in Ukrainian culture through documentaries, classical music concerts, theater, and more. Stay connected with live broadcasts and access channel information. Download now for entertainment and knowledge.