Introducing Unreserved by redBus, the ultimate bus timetable app for effortless bus travel planning. Unreserved lets you easily view bus schedules before booking, saving you valuable time. Whether you're traveling in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, or Karnataka, it connects you to buses across these regions. Enjoy user-friendly features including route-based schedules, bus numbers, timings, and total stops, simplifying your journey planning. Plus, we now offer redBus Passes on select Karnataka routes, providing 15-30% savings on your daily commute. Download Unreserved today for stress-free travel!
Features of Unreserved: Bus Timetable App:
- Bus Timetable: Access updated schedules for nearly 20,000 routes in Madhya Pradesh and 40,000 in Andhra Pradesh.
- redBus Pass: Purchase a redBus Pass in-app and save up to 30% on travel. Simply scan the QR code on the bus for seamless boarding.
- Filter & Share: Filter buses by timing and easily share routes or timetables via WhatsApp or email.
- Bookmark Routes: Save favorite routes for quick access.
- Convenient Booking: Skip online searches; browse schedules and purchase redBus Passes directly within the app.
- Real-time Updates: Enjoy real-time schedule updates for accurate journey information.
Simplify your bus travel with the Unreserved app. Its user-friendly design provides easy access to timetables, bus pass purchases, and commute discounts. Real-time updates and sharing capabilities ensure a smooth journey. Eliminate long lines and travel stress-free with Unreserved. Download now for a smarter bus travel experience.