Stay informed about your contacts' WhatsApp activity with Watcher: Online Tracker! This app provides real-time notifications and detailed reports on WhatsApp online/offline status. Ideal for monitoring children's social media usage or simply tracking your own app engagement.
Key Features:
- Customizable Reporting: View activity reports hourly, daily, or monthly.
- Detailed Usage Tracking: See precise login and logout times, and total time spent on WhatsApp for each monitored number.
- Personalized Tracking: Assign custom names to each contact you monitor.
- Flexible Monitoring: Choose from various subscription options to track multiple numbers.
- Instant Notifications: Receive immediate alerts when a monitored contact goes online or offline.
- Account-Free Monitoring: No account registration is required.
Watcher: Online Tracker allows you to monitor WhatsApp activity from anywhere globally. Beyond simply indicating online/offline status, the app also provides notification-based tracking of last seen times. This helps families manage children's social media use and promote safe online habits.
The app operates within legal frameworks, prioritizing safe social media usage and mindful time management. You can track your own WhatsApp activity to better understand your personal usage patterns. Notifications for online/offline status are customizable, and you can track multiple numbers simultaneously with individual names assigned to each.
Your privacy is paramount. Monitored contacts are not notified of your tracking activity.
Download Watcher: Online Tracker today to securely monitor WhatsApp activity for your children, loved ones, or yourself.
What's New in Version 1.1.17 (July 21, 2024)
Performance improvements and bug fixes.