Dive into the captivating mobile game, Mystery of Provenance, a thrilling fantasy adventure set on an alternate Earth. Two races, humans and simics (distinguished by violet eyes and subtly pointed ears), share this world. Our protagonist, a young man seeking fortune in the city of Dark Dream, stumbles upon a shocking truth about his heritage and extraordinary powers.
This immersive experience unfolds as he investigates the intertwined history of humans and simics, uncovering a mesmerizing trail of clues. Prepare for an epic quest!
Key Features of Mystery of Provenance:
- Alternate Fantasy Setting: Experience a captivating alternate reality on Earth, where humans and simics coexist.
- Compelling Narrative: Follow a young man's journey from financial ambition to a quest for self-discovery and the truth about his origins and abilities.
- Unique Races: Explore the fascinating simic race, their subtle differences blending seamlessly with humanity.
- Intense Investigations: Unravel secrets and hidden truths about the shared history of humans and simics on this alternate Earth.
- Engaging Gameplay: A thrilling blend of mystery, adventure, and fantasy, where your choices shape the narrative.
- Exceptional Abilities: Discover the protagonist's unique powers and learn how to master them in this shared world.
In Conclusion:
Mystery of Provenance offers a captivating journey of mystery and fantasy. Join the protagonist in Dark Dream as he uncovers secrets about his past and extraordinary gifts. Explore a world where humans and simics coexist, engaging in thrilling investigations and making pivotal choices that determine his fate. Download now and begin your thrilling adventure!