Tekken director Katsuhiro Harada's long-held dream of featuring Colonel Sanders in the fighting game franchise remains unrealized, despite his persistent efforts. Despite past attempts and a detailed proposal, KFC and even Harada's own superiors have consistently rejected the idea.
Harada's Colonel Sanders x Tekken Proposal Rejected
Harada's desire to include the KFC icon as a playable character has been public knowledge for years, dating back to mentions on his YouTube channel. He's even described the negative reception he received when pitching the idea. In a recent interview with The Gamer, Harada revealed that he personally contacted KFC Japan, but their response was unenthusiastic. The interview also included commentary from game designer Michael Murray, who elaborated on the difficulties of securing such crossovers, suggesting that the potential conflict of a fast-food mascot in a fighting game might have been a factor.
Harada's Vision for Colonel Sanders in Tekken
Harada has repeatedly expressed his belief that a Colonel Sanders character could be exceptionally successful in Tekken, even detailing a compelling concept developed with Director Ikeda. However, he's admitted that KFC's marketing department deemed the crossover unlikely to resonate with players, leading to consistent rejection. His plea for KFC to reconsider remains open.
Other Crossovers and Future Prospects
While the Colonel Sanders crossover remains improbable, Tekken has successfully integrated other notable guest characters, including Akuma from Street Fighter, Noctis from Final Fantasy, and Negan from The Walking Dead. Harada also mentioned exploring a Waffle House crossover, but acknowledged the inherent challenges. Despite the Colonel Sanders setback, fans can anticipate Heihachi Mishima's return as DLC for Tekken 8.