訊息 漫威競爭對手:通過最佳設置增強遊戲玩法


作者 : Joshua Feb 22,2025

優化您的 奇跡競爭對手 體驗:最佳設置指南




Marvel Rivals Display Settings Page in the Settings

優先考慮固體基礎的顯示設置。 全屏模式建議為認真的遊戲玩家使用全部係統資源,最大化FPS並最大程度地減少幹擾。 無邊界模式提供多任務便利性,但可能會稍微降低fps並引入輸入滯後。

SettingDescriptionBest Setting
Display ModeHow the game is displayed.Fullscreen (performance) or Borderless Windowed (multitasking)
ResolutionGame resolution.Monitor's Native Resolution
Aspect RatioWidth and height ratio; prevents distortion.Monitor's Native Aspect Ratio
Anti-aliasing & Super ResolutionTechnologies for anti-aliasing and resolution scaling.Experiment to find best performance; TAAU is a safe starting point.
Frame GenerationVaries by PC; impacts performance.Off
Low Latency ModeReduces input lag (Nvidia GPUs only).On + Boost (if available)
V-SyncSynchronizes frame rate with monitor refresh rate; may introduce input lag.Off
Limit FPSCaps maximum frame rate; stabilizes performance and reduces GPU strain.Monitor's Refresh Rate
Show FPSDisplays current FPS.On
Network StatsDisplays network statistics.On


Marvel Rivals Graphics Setting Section in Settings


SettingDescriptionBest Setting
Graphics QualityPreset adjusting multiple visual settings.Custom
Global IlluminationSimulates light bouncing; impacts realism and hardware demand.SSGI – Low Quality
Reflection QualityClarity and realism of reflections.Screen Space Reflections
Model DetailComplexity and realism of character and object models.Low
Post-ProcessingVisual effects like motion blur and depth of field; affects frame rates.Low
Shadow DetailSharpness and quality of shadows; significantly affects performance.High
Texture DetailResolution of in-game textures; requires VRAM.Low
Effects DetailQuality of visual effects; reducing clutter boosts performance.Low
Foliage QualityDensity and detail of environmental elements; impacts FPS in outdoor scenes.Low



Marvel Rivals Audio Settings Page in Settigs

音頻可顯著增強遊戲玩法。啟用 3D增強,以改善空間聲音,以幫助指出敵人的位置和能力。使用 hrtf (如果有)進行進一步的音頻提示增強。將音量水平調整為個人喜好。

該全麵的指南使您能夠微調 Marvel競爭對手 設置,以獲得最佳性能和增強的遊戲體驗。

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