- MiSide Release Date and Time
Pokemon GO Fans Think Two Powerful Steel-type Mega Debuts Are Coming Soon
Pokemon GO玩家期待已久的Mega巨金怪或Mega路卡利欧,终于可能在7月的“超解锁第二部分:钢铁之力”活动中登场。Niantic近期公布了7月份的活动安排,而Pokemon GO玩家们将迎来一个内容丰富的月份。 除了即将到来的2024年GO Fest活动的最终阶段,7月还将举办以雷电兽为主角的精彩社区日活动。与此同时,玩家们认为Niantic可能会加入一款备受期待的Mega进化宝可梦到Pokemon GO中。 Silph Road Reddit论坛用户g47onik发布的一篇新帖子,概述了玩家们在7月份可以期待的Pokemon GO内容。虽然GO Fest全球活动仍然是活动安排中最引
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
Kingdom Hearts Reboot Announced
Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura recently hinted at a pivotal shift for the series with the upcoming fourth mainline installment. Discover what he revealed about this crucial chapter in the Kingdom Hearts saga. Nomura Hints at a Series Conclusion with Kingdom Hearts 4 Kingdom Hearts 4: A Story
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
Rift Of The Ranks Is A New Match-3 Puzzle Game On Android With A Dual-Character Mechanic
Dive into the beastly world of Rift of the Ranks, a captivating new match-3 puzzle game now available on Android! This isn't your average match-3 experience; instead, you'll find yourself in Fritris, a realm ruled by beastmen, where you play as Rezkar, a hero tasked with preventing utter pandemoniu
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
Crown of Bones Debuts from Renowned Whiteout Survival Creators
Crown of Bones: A Hilarious Skeletal Adventure on Android! Puzza brings you Crown of Bones, a new Android game where you command a jolly Skeleton King and his misfit army! Developed by Century Games (creators of Whiteout Survival), this charming title has already soft-launched in select regions, inc
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
NieR: Automata - Where To Get Warped Wire
NieR: Automata features a wide array of enemies, many dropping unique materials crucial for pod and weapon upgrades. While most materials are acquired naturally, some, like Warped Wire, require targeted farming. This guide pinpoints an efficient Warped Wire farming location. Warped Wire Farming Lo
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
Black Myth: Wukong Hits 1 Million Players in Less Than an Hour
The highly anticipated Chinese action RPG, Black Myth: Wukong, has achieved a remarkable milestone, surpassing one million players on Steam within a single hour of its launch. Black Myth: Wukong Surpasses 1 Million Players in Under 60 Minutes Steam Peak Concurrently Reaches 1.18M Players Within 24 H
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
Android Match-Three Puzzles Enhance Gameplay
The match-stuff puzzler genre is one of the biggest on mobile, and has been for quite a line. There are plenty of uninspiring experiences out there, and plenty of IAP-gouging lose-and-snooze-fests that aren’t worth your time. But there are some really awesome games that fit into the genre as w
by Jane Austen Jan 17,2025
Baldur\'s Gate 3: Gloomstalker Assassin Build
Quick LinksThe Gloomstalker Assassin BuildAbility ScoresBackgroundsFeats And Related ScoresGear RecommendationsSummaryGloomstalker Assassin build excels in physical damage and versatility in combat.Dexterity is key for Rangers and Rogues; Wisdom is essential for Rangers' spellcasting abilities.Choos
by Jane Austen Jan 16,2025
Sword Master Story celebrates its fourth anniversary with an enormous new update
Sword Master Story盛大庆祝四周年! SuperPlanet广受欢迎的RPG游戏《剑魂物语》即将迎来四周年庆典,并推出重大更新,包含免费内容、特别活动等等!让我们一起看看有哪些精彩内容吧! 首先是免费赠礼!只需登录游戏,即可在礼包商店领取月光诱惑-塞琳娜服装。这款服装拥有独特的技能动画和额外配音,同时还附赠万圣节酒吧主题大厅背景。 除了免费赠礼,还有全新内容——众神殿堂!这是一个每月重置的副本,每层都将挑战你面对强大的BOSS。来自东方帝国的新角色尤拉也将加入你的队伍,这位拥有叶属性的战士将为你带来更强大的战斗力。 资源狂欢! 当然,还有什么比四倍资源奖励更能庆祝四周年呢?从
by Jane Austen Jan 16,2025