In late 2024, Rocksteady Studios, the creator of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, announced further job cuts. Six unnamed employees reported the layoffs, impacting programmers, artists, and testers. This follows September's layoffs, which halved the testing team from 33 to 15.
Rocksteady faced significant hurdles in 2024, struggling to maintain Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League amidst poor reception. Warner Bros. reported project losses of approximately $200 million. In December, developers confirmed no 2025 updates, though servers will remain active.
The downsizing wasn't limited to Rocksteady. Games Montreal, another Warner Bros. studio (known for Batman: Arkham Origins and Gotham Knights), also laid off 99 employees in December.
The situation worsened with the early access release. Players encountered numerous bugs, including complete server outages and a significant story spoiler. Gameplay also drew considerable criticism.
Major gaming publications delivered negative reviews, leading to a massive wave of refunds. Analytics firm McLuck reported a shocking 791% surge in refund requests following the game's disastrous launch.
Rocksteady's future projects remain unannounced.