Twenty-five years after its debut, the origin story behind the name "Super Smash Bros." is finally revealed by its creator, Masahiro Sakurai. This popular Nintendo crossover fighting game, featuring characters from across the company's iconic franchises, has a surprisingly simple naming convention.
Sakurai's recent YouTube video explains that the name stems from the game's core concept: friends resolving minor conflicts. The title, "Smash Bros," reflects this friendly rivalry, a playful "smashing" of disagreements rather than outright combat.
Former Nintendo President Satoru Iwata played a pivotal role in solidifying the name. Sakurai details a brainstorming session where various names were proposed, ultimately culminating in Iwata's selection of "brothers." Iwata's reasoning, according to Sakurai, was to subtly convey a sense of friendly competition, implying the characters were settling disputes rather than engaging in outright warfare, despite the lack of actual sibling relationships within the cast. This decision followed a meeting with Shigesato Itoi, creator of the Mother/Earthbound series, to finalize the title.
The video also offers a glimpse into Sakurai's relationship with Iwata, including anecdotes about Iwata's direct involvement in programming the original Super Smash Bros. prototype, then known as "Dragon King: The Fighting Game" for the Nintendo 64. Sakurai fondly recounts these memories and Iwata's significant contribution to the franchise's identity.